can i download fine tuned model after training?
when i train my model on MonserApi can i download it and use it locally?
Posted by salman 2 days ago
how to deploy the model?
i trained my model and uploaded final zip file - dont understand what to do with it and documentation finished on the step of downloading this file
Posted by Mash 19 days ago
{"model":"microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct","frequency_penalty":0,"logprobs":true,"top_logprobs":0,"n":1,"presence_penalty":0,"response_format":{"type":"text"},"stream":true,"stream_options":{"include_usage":true},"temperature":0.7,"top_p":1,"tool_choice":"none","use_beam_search":false,"top_k":-1,"min_p":0,"repetition_penalty":1,"length_penalty":1,"early_stopping":false,"ignore_eos":false,"min_tokens":0,"skip_special_tokens":true,"spaces_between_special_tokens":true,"echo":false,"add_generation_prompt":true,"add_special_tokens":false,"include_stop_str_in_output":false,"messages":[{"content":"Your name is Lucky, you are my virtual girlfriend, you can chat with me","name":"Lucky"}]}
The status is 422. What is the parameter problem? Thank you.
Posted by xixi 22 days ago
error login
When I try to log in, it redirects to the dashboard but then immediately redirects back to the login screen with this endpoint: <https://monsterapi.ai/login?status=error&message=Internal%20Server%20Error>
Posted by null 2 months ago
"status": "FAILED", "result": {"errorMessage": "Error occured while processing model"}}
Hello Everyone.
I just started using Monster API to test it out for bigger project , but i keep getting this error message when i try to FETCH the image even though with the same parameters and image i'm able to successfully generate using the GUI on the website "TRY IT".
If anyone could help me figure out where am i going wrong, really appreciate it. I'm using ImagetoImage API and
i get the following result:
{"message": "Request accepted successfully", "process_id": "4adf774e-24c8-41bb-bf80-dc5952b71fec", "status_url": "<https://api.monsterapi.ai/v1/status/4adf774e-24c8-41bb-bf80-dc5952b71fec">, "callback_url": "", "webhook_url": ""}
But when i try to fetch the image after a couple of seconds i get a FAILED status.
Posted by null 3 months ago
key is correct still it's showing apikey is unauthorized
const imgGen = async () => {
if (inputRef.current.value === "") {
return 0;
try {
const res = await fetch("<https://api.monsterapi.ai/v1/generate/txt2img">, {
method: "POST",
mode: 'no-cors',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
Accept: 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env}`
body: JSON.stringify({
prompt: `${inputRef.current.value}`,
aspect_ratio: "portrait"
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${res.status}`);
let data = await res.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching image:', error);
Posted by Aayush Kumar 3 months ago
Photo Maker API
POST https://api.monsterapi.ai/v1/generate/photo-maker 500 (Internal Server Error)
generateImage @ index.html:94
index.html:97 {message: 'Internal Error.. Try after sometime'}message: "Internal Error.. Try after sometime"\[[Prototype]]: Objectconstructor: ƒ Object()hasOwnProperty: ƒ hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: ƒ isPrototypeOf()propertyIsEnumerable: ƒ propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: ƒ toLocaleString()toString: ƒ toString()valueOf: ƒ valueOf()**defineGetter**: ƒ **defineGetter**()**defineSetter**: ƒ **defineSetter**()**lookupGetter**: ƒ **lookupGetter**()**lookupSetter**: ƒ **lookupSetter**()**proto**: (...)get **proto**: ƒ **proto**()set **proto**: ƒ **proto**()
Every time I run this script I get this error it's been the same thing for the past 3-4 days I have used HTML CSS and javascript and fetch request from Mosnter API, if anyone knows about this please let me know it would be great help
Posted by null 6 months ago
How to convert to ggml
If anyone knows, I would like you to tell me.
I have used MonsterAPI to fine-tune Whisper with my dataset.
The fine-tuning was successful, and the model has been uploaded to Hugging Face.
Currently, the following files exist on Hugging Face:
- adapter_config.json
- adapter_model.safetensors
Based on this, I am considering converting to the ggml format using the following method:
Is this feasible?
My Hugging Face repository URL:
Posted by null 6 months ago
Issue with PhotoMaker model via API
Hi there,
I tested the Photo Maker model today using my free credits.
I was able to obtain the process_id each time and initiate the fetch results query.
However, I soon encountered a 'FAILED' status, response is as follows:
{"process_id": "4902ccba-570d-46a2-a06b-ce77e97f9d4a", "status": "FAILED", "result": {"errorMessage": "Error occured while processing your request. Your request will be processed again"}}
Do you have any idea on what I might be doing wrong?
Posted by Rapidmooc 7 months ago
is the https://api.monsterapi.ai/v1/generate/txt2img working ?
i am sending post request to the url but am not getting any response or error
Posted by wilson 8 months ago